Thursday, July 29, 2010 bitch wig is on.

The following is something that pisses me off about our industry. If your not up for a preeachy preach, perhaps skip this entry.

Chefs don't slag off other restaurants.
Fashion Designer don't slag off other designs.
Then why is it Hairdressers have the nasty habit of slagging off other hairdressers and salons?

Perhaps its an insecurity surrounding the level of work they can produce, or is it just the culture of the salon they work in? Whatever the case, it needs to stop......and i guess it needs to filter down from the top.
Yes, i hate many things....bad hairs on my top 3 shit list. But there is a difference between constructively deciding whether something is not your flavour flav and turning your nose up ignorantly.
A small step in changing the culture of hairdressing would be to disregard WHO or WHERE your clients last service was conducted....just focus on what your able to do for them today.
Hairdressers get such a bad rap as suburban, gum chewing, gossiping school leavers.
Lets help change this attitude by educating your fellow peers about positive attitudes at industry events and locking your lips about your clients previous services(even if it looks like a rat has chewed their hair off).
Believe it or not Australia's Hairdressing Industry is highly regarded world wide..............tall poppy syndrome aint pretty boys and girls.