Its every hairdressers dream that you come back from lunch (can of coke and 3 fags) and discover the client waiting in your chair is the perfect hair model. The type of girl that will cream the competition and win you gold at the Hair Olympics.
Eliza Cummings is that type of girl.
Eliza started modelling under the alias Eliza Presley (because many likened her tomboy look to Elvis). Her mother removed her from high school aged 14 because of school yard bullying, showed some pictures of Eliza to her lecturer at London College of Fashion, marched her into Select modelling agency and the rest is history.....well history full of hard work, sweat and tears I'm sure.
Eliza is confident and at one with her body, posing nude and without makeup in many of her shots.
If only she would walk past me in the street and let me jot down her number!!
Oh she has a model boyfriend called Luke Stevens and is obsessed entirely with Penguins....I'm not even joking.

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